
Tuesday 4 November 2014

Industries of Food for the Food lover

To understand the different food industries in Sardinia, one must have a general idea of its food history. Let me sum it up: earlier conquerors often forced Sardinians inland. This forced them to use the rich pastures to make traditional foods such as bread, cheese, and meats. In recent times, fishing has also become very popular. So the past and present collapse to give this region of Italy its food industries.

Because Sardinia's tourist industry has grown tremendously in recent decades, there are many seafood restaurants on the coast. Invaders that came later in their history were the ones who actually brought the fish tradition. Nonetheless, the fishing industry is not as large as the agricultural and livestock industry.

The livestock production industry is extremely important in Sardinia, mostly because by rearing goats and sheep, the Sardinians have cheese; Pecorino cheese especially is well known both in Sardinia, and outside of Sardinia. Agriculture is also another important food industry. Modern agricultural fields can be found on the plains of Campinado, where lots of vegetables are grown. Primarily artichokes.  

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